
Essay about rugby

In November 19th, National rugby team of Japan played with National rugby team of Wales which is the former world number six rugby team. Regrettably Japan was eliminated. Today, Rugby is very famous in Japan as success of national rugby team. What is roots of rugby? What rugby differ from American football? First, I explain history of rugby. Second, I explain what rugby differ from American football. Third, role of rugby.
                First, history of rugby. The beginnings of rugby football in earnest lie in medieval Europe, where many variations of mob football games were played. Originally, the majority of these games allowed for picking up and carrying the ball, while only a few of them, such as one variation of la soule, restricted ball handling to kicking only.
                Second, what rugby differ from American football. First points, it is size of ball. A ball of rugby is bigger than a ball of American football. Second points, “Try” differ from “Touchdown”. Try is player put on enemy’s territory. But touchdown is player enter the territory of enemies. Third points, path is different. In American football, Player can path to forward at once. In Rugby, Player don’t have to path to forward. Fourth points, About costume, American Football player wear many protective gear. But rugby player wear only rugger-shirt.

                Finally, I explained about rugby. Now, In Japan, Rugby is very famous sports. Many people should know about rugby. And I hope that rugby of japan become more strong.

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