
Writing about monarchy

In august, Japanese emperor “tennno” expression about abdication before die. This is first time to expression about abdication before die. Japanese monarchy has long history. I explain the origin of monarchy. It has a lot of theory.
                First, it is that origin of monarchy is Jomonman. First emperor had technology of ancient china. He bundled an enemy Jomonman and Yayoiman. Second, it is that origin of monarchy is ancient Chinese. They birth to a concept of “Chuka”. And they are legendary people. Third, it is that origin of monarchy is southern barbarian. They are a descendant of civilization of “Choko”. Fourth, it is that origin of monarchy is horceback races. This is based on “kibaminnzokuseihukuotyosetu” which wrote Namio Egami. Now, this theory negated by historical fact. Fifth, it is that origin of monarchy is Sumerian. This theory advocated before the war. So this theory seem to be political maneuvers. This theory can’t negate whe we take account of there are similarities between that Japanese and Sumerian.
                That are theory of origin of monarchy. Now, we don’t know what is tha origin of monarchy. I hope that this mystery will solve. And things I worry about is what is next one era name.

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